Sunday 7 December 2014

Glory Days - S/T tape (Self-released - 2014)

Something like a week ago I got a mail from Piotr, guitarist of the Warsaw-based 3-piece band Glory Days, asking me to review these guys' debut tape. I agreed, because I usualy don't refuse to review stuffes (unless it's really bad, it's hard to write bad stuffes about a band, there's not a thousand way to call a shit record a shit record), and also because I pretty much know nothing about the polish scene, and the eastern european one in general (never got a deep interest for it, for no particular reason). I also saw that these guys got litteraly destroyed by Maximum Rock'n'Roll. Well what a fucking surprise, MRR generaly doesn't like Oi!, so nothing new here.
Let's talk a bit more about Glory Days itself. They're a melodic mid-tempo Oi! band, with nice solo guitar additions, some nice gang vocals and all the package. Once again, it don't really know how the scene is in Poland, and what they sound like, but Glory Days sounds pretty "western european". I hear 80's english Oi!, and more modern bands, like Alternate Action (yep, they're canadians, and Canada is not in Europe, I know thanks), Perkele (the Från Flykt till Kamp period) or, to quote their fellow eastern comrades Saints & Sinners from Czech Republic (both musicaly and the vocaly, in that case). Also they sing in english. On the one hand, that's good because then I can understand what they're singing (my abilities in polish are pretty much inexistant... kurwa ?), but on the other hand, I like when people sing in their native language. I guess it's easier to express yourself and transmit your messages in your mother tongue, but whatever, that's not the problem here.
So, on that tape Glory Days give us 4 tracks, "Reality Check", "Glory Days", "The Line" and "Out of Sight", all dealing with kind of topics : trying to escape reality, which hits you right back in the face, living for today without forgetting the past, or telling people trying to use and abuse you to get lost. Best songs being, for me, "Out of Sight" and "Glory Days" (even of the two other ones are more than ok).
So, nothing revolutionary here, Glory Days obviously doesn't break the "Oi!-mould", but they fit just right in it, at least to me. That's an honest band, giving us a nice 4-tracks tape, I actually have a hard time understanding why MRR hated it so much ?
Anyway, give these guys a listen, you can stream 3 of their 4 tracks through their bandcamp, with lyrics included.


  1. Is there any link to MRR review??

    1. Unfortunately not, the band copy/past-ed it on their FB page, so I'll just do the same here :

      "GLORY DAYS – The anger is there and so are
      the loud instruments, but the guitar riffs on this tape
      made me laugh out loud! Street punk from Poland
      that’s about as original as the band’s name. Anyone
      who just picked up a guitar or is bad could probably
      play along to this tape. I would put this band into
      the category of “sell out rock.” Catch them on a
      big stage at some giant festival. (Vanessa) (4-song
      cassette, lyrics not included, glorydayspunk@"
