Friday, 30 January 2015

Foreseen - Death Injection/Market Target (Self-released - 2014)

Ok, this is gonna be a strange one, but probably a funny one. I have to admit, first, that I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about crossover (might have listened to Power Trip a few time, but not more), so don't expect any precise references, or even an accurate description of what that record sounds. But, eventually, since I have no knowledge about the genre, I don't have any "pre-maid ideas" or "vision of how it should be" about it (like I might have while talking about Oi! sometimes), so I'll just talk about what I think that record sounds like and what it makes me feel.
Lately I have been searching for a new kind of sound. Something perhaps more brutal, more violent, more compromiseless. Not that I had enough of Oi!, far from it, but the whole "bootboy rock'n'roll/glam-inspired" thing is startint to get less attractive. Seems like I've heard enough of it. I've started to get more and more interested in hardcore punk, taking a look at power violence and such things (even tried to listen to some d-beat stuffes, while I was mocking a friend who did that a few years ago. Still not my thing though), in a quest for savagery. Am I going too far ? What are these unknow shores I'm heading to (yes, I'm also a fucking poet) ?
I must say I don't really remember how I got introduced to Helsinki's Foreseen (probably by some facebook link), but what I remember is that I was kind of sceptic at the very beginning. Still to much metal-sounding for me when I first listened to it. But then a bit later I came back to the band, and I realised that it was actually the sound I was looking for at that very moment. Brutal, dark and almost creepy lyrics and sound (just take the intro of "Market Target"), negative. A perfect mix of hardcore and metal, mixing faster part with slower (perhaps mosh ?) parts, more-metalic-than-what-I-usualy-listen-to solo guitars, gang choirs and aggressive, pissed of vocals (that whole chorus on "Death Injection" is magnificent !). These two songs, "Death Injection" and "Market Target" are awesome (especially the first one, for the reason named before), as I said exactly the kind of music I'm looking for right now. And it mix good with my habitual Oi! habits, just because it's pretty far away from it.
As I said, I would probably never have listened to a band like Foreseen like a year ago, but right now I have no problem listening to the whole LP Helsinki Savagery (which I own only digitaly, but I managed to get my hands on a copy of the 7" promoting it, that's why I'm reviewing only these two songs) between two Oi! bands (let's Battle Ruins -wow what a surprise !- and Reconquesta for example).

I am still pretty unsure about that review. Not that I don't know if that 7" is good or not (as I said it's brilliant), but that's a whole new thing to me, seems like, after reading what I've written, that I kind of talked a lot about my musical researches and not so much about the record itself... Anyway, I'll keep navigating in these unfamiliar waters for a while, but don't worry, I'll be coming back with more Oi! soon (let's say in the next review, that Victory/The Clichés split got to be reviewed soon !). But until that (by now you'll have understand that I don't write on a daily basis, yep, I'm lazy sometimes), give Foreseen a listen. You might be, just like me, extremly surprised, in a good way !

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